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Dogs at Work!

Dogs at Work!

An Emerging Trend...

Is your workplace dog friendly? If not, chances are it might be soon! As the many benefits of dogs hanging around the place are documented, companies around the globe are taking note...

Ever since Pet Sitters International created "Take Your Dog to Work Day" in 1999, more and more companies have celebrated the event, and ultimately many have made doggies a regular fixture in the office.

According to a 2008 national poll of working Americans 18 and older by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, 17% reported their company permitting pets at work, while in 2012, the same group reported that workers surveyed brought their dogs to work 22 times in 2012, compared with just 17 times in 2008.

Researchers have found that in companies where the workforce is encouraged to bring their dogs to work, stress levels are decreased and the level of productivity increases significantly.

Firstly, the employee's stress at having to leave their furry friend at home when they head off to work is eliminated - no need to worry about what they're getting up to, whether they might bark and annoy that pesky neighbor two doors down....and then, once at work, any work-related stress is quickly alleviated by a pat of the head and a lick!


At lunchtime, a stress-relieving walk is definitely in order as having Fido around makes it impossible to have lunch at one's desk. A nice brisk walk is a great refresher with employees returning to work with renewed focus.

Having an office full of pets also makes for a much friendlier environment - being more relaxed tends to make employees much more amicable towards each other and customers alike.

Setting the Ground Rules....

Of course, setting a few ground rules when it comes to dogs in the office, is a must...a cocker spaniel with a dodgy temperament, a retriever not yet through his chewing everything in sight phase, or a bully with a bit of a bite, might not be the perfect office dog! It might therefore be a good idea to find out what kinds of doggies your employees have before agreeing to make the office "dog-friendly"! 



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